Now after youve got a successful business

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Going to a movie, having an expensive dinner, going sky diving, bungee jumping are all in effect exchanging your money for something you are passionate about they are not the ways you make money because the second they become that the question how long till I make my money back must factor in. Would you take your money and throw it off a cliff just because you enjoy watching the money flutter as it falls? You could do this if it was your hobby and you had another source of income but not if it was your source of income. Many people seem to want to fight some mythical uphill battle that is going to gain them some sort of satisfaction when they reach the top of the mountain they are climbing but I assure you most dont reach the top of that mountain they are trying to climb. Now why this is linked to the first question is simply because there is Flame-Retardant Heat Resistant Gloves Suppliers no way youd invest in something youre not passionate about.

Now after youve got a successful business that has made your investment back and you are now making a profit, growing the business is the most logical step and herein lies the next question How can I grow my business?. Those that do usually reach there with broken nails, bleeding palms, a floating liver, shot kidneys and a ravaged mind. As a web designer Id do the fastest slapstick job I possibly could just to get the project finished. As a musician I would make an album, distribute it but neglect the promotion.Whenever we embark on any path in life whether it be in a business, in our fitness endeavors or simply in a relationship there are many questions and factors we must consider. At least I hope thats the answer You gave. The next question you must ask yourself is How long till I make my money back? Some may say, well if you have the passion and are willing to invest no time is too long. Could you imagine going to a record store and paying your hard earned money for a record you hate?? Of course not, this is exactly the same reason why You cant (without some major incentive) invest in a business youre not passionate about, whether it be your time, money or even emotion. The saddest part of this whole story is that when they do get there they find that theyre at the foot of another mountain.

My mentor and friend Mack Michaels must take 90 of the credit for this (even though Hed shy away from that) for all the things Hes taught me while under His wing. As Martin Luther King said Take the first step in Faith, You dont have to see the whole staircase, Just take the first step.

Being an Internet Marketer is quite simply a dream come true for me and before going into it I asked myself all these questions and how did I know the answer? The first thing I did was actually invest in it.

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